Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Family Stink

This is the Family Stink; the boy (a wicked funny fellow with a good heart and an occasional lean toward the lazy side), the big girl, (a driven and passionate sort of gal with a fondness for creating), the man (intense and fiercely devoted to family), and there in the middle, that's our gal Stinky Pete, the link that binds us together, precocious and cheeky to a fault.

Oh and that lass at the rear... that'd be me, the mother of all Stinks and quite clearly a bit touched in the head.

One week ago, while dining on my post-lunch snack-o-snack of Ben and Jerry's and junk mail tossing, I came across a purple-ish mailer plastered wide with hot, sweaty, pink cheeked faces. I spooned another bit of Cherry Garcia in and thought, "I'm going to do that."

and I am.

On September 14, 2008, I will be participating in the Nation's Triathlon in Washington, DC.


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