Friday, August 22, 2008


Yesterday evening, I met up with Trainer Bob and another tri-chick, Leslie, at Pinchot State Park for a swim session.

Despite the recent cold snaps here in Dutch country, the water was still remarkably warm. Pond-weedy for sure, but warm pond-weedy. This made good hunting grounds for the littlest Stink and her friend Sam out adventuring with nets during the training.

We swam over 1500 yards in a sort of train across one swimming area of the pond. I was the caboose.


Once for our little three person train, and again when Trainer Bob lapped me.

I'm not too concerned about this lapping thing however; I'm beginning to recognize the near freakish intensity with which Bob approaches this tri thing. It's well disguised under his "everyman" guise, but I'm not fooled; not one bit.

I had enough energy at the end of the 1500 to do an extra 200 yds in a sprint pace (well, sprint for me anyway). It's an amazing feeling to really move smoothly through the water; there's this perception of a cohesive union with the natural elements. It's A zen-like "one with the water" that lasts only as long as you are able to maintain breath.

So that means roughly 175 yds of "union" before I took a big breath of pond.


Still, this is much improved from the big crappola streak I have been experiencing in the Stink vs. the TRI games of late and I am heartened and encouraged.


1700 yds is OVER a MILE!!!!!


1 comment:

Janis Bland said...

Ok, I'm officially exhausted.